Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hey you

Yeah, you! I've got some cute pictures to share with you!

Here's a good example of the difference between a girl and a boy...

My one year olds are so much fun! They're so dramatic and silly!

And my nearly 4 yr old is so incredibly moody! I love our moments of drama and silliness. We do still have those, too. But he's just so hung up on being a "big boy." He's so stinkin' smart, and I love that about him!! He has even less patience than my little ones though, and I miss being able to take as many pictures of him as I want to! Now he makes it pretty clear when he's over case you didn't notice! :)


Tiffany said...

waaaaay too cute! I love the "over it" look!

Anonymous said...

Kristie: I love that you have such a great attitude about watching kids in your home. As a mom who has used a home daycare before (for 4 years), it makes a huge difference if the person watching your kids is excited about it. I watched kids in my home for 6 months and while I loved many things about it, I truly struggled to find the joy in it that you do. My hat is off to you!

Becca said...

Those are great pictures!! Thanks for sharing. That boy/girl difference is amazing isn't it?? Since I don't have any girls, I am forever cleaning a face or hands or both! Love em though!