Thursday, July 12, 2007

Weekly Visit With the Scale Monster

VERY surprisingly, not bad!! Lost 1.8 on my vacation week. Woohoo! It must be all the extra exercise, cause it sure wasn't that I counted points like I should have!! Very exciting though! Our WW session at Lisa's work is almost over. So now I have to decide if I want to pay to keep going or try to do it on my own. I really don't know. I definitely want to keep working at it. That I know for sure!

In other news, watch out for the stomach bug going around! I have no idea where I picked it up, but it's mine at the moment. I should have easily lost more weight in the past 12 hours than in the whole past 2 weeks!! Yeah, it's been that bad. And let me tell you how there's just nothing in the world like your 20-month-old being flat out determined to sit in your lap while you throw up! Give it up for motherhood, I guess. :)

1 comment:

MADDIE said...

Yep--been there and also have had a toddler on me while throwing up. Most recently Radlee climbed up on my back while I was throwing up. YUCK!!! I hope you are feeling better!