Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fat Girl Talk

Okay, first of all, what the heck is up? Are there not enough fat chicks in Rutherford County? Where did Old Navy's plus size section go? I know I don't get out much, so this may be old news. But I stopped there today and sadly discovered they no longer carry anything I can wear. I wanted to cry. I LOVE Old Navy. Well, I did anyway. :(

On a much, much happier note though, this week I have added to my "wardrobe" 2 pairs of jeans, 3 other pairs of pants, 1 skirt, and at least 3 shirts...from the back of my very own closet!! All things I haven't been able to wear for at least 2 years!! Very exciting! So although the scale is not showing significant weight loss, I am seeing it in various other ways. I am anxiously awaiting the day that I take my hot bod back into Old Navy and celebrate not needing their stupid fat girl section anyway! Haha!

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