Thursday, November 20, 2008

Keep praying for Mom, please!

Dad just called. They let Mom get up and walk a little last night, which surprised me. But when she did she had another episode where she couldn't catch her breath. Dr said more than likely another small piece of the clot in her leg broke loose and landed in her lung. He thinks since the symptoms passed quickly enough that probably it is small again and will be dissolved quickly, so he's not doing a scan to prove it's there. They are, however, going to put a filter in this afternoon at 1:30. Should be a minor procedure (which makes me a little nervous since the whole vein thing was supposed to be a minor procedure, too, and here we are!) with a local anesthetic. Anyway, they will put a filter at the clot in her leg/groin area so that if anything larger does happen to break loose it will be caught there and safely dissolved w/o chance of it causing serious injury elsewhere in the body. Supposedly this will not lengthen her stay in the hospital. But, of course, she'll have to come off the Heparin for awhile before surgery so that her blood is not too thin, and then they'll have to get the numbers regulated again. Please pray that all goes well today!!


Anonymous said...

Will definitely be thinking of your mom and praying for her today!

Caron said...

Wow - I haven't been able to get online for over a week, so I missed all of this! We will definitely keep praying for her (and all of you too!)